I know spiderweb is forming up my blog already. I have been busy since I came back from Korea and like what Regina said, I went to Malaysia not long after. In between when I was in Singapore, I was busy with work and performance. But I was glad that I managed to catch up with my friends for gathering recently.
By right I should be posting those pictures which were taken in Korea, but I shall do it for my next post.
For now, I will present my latest video... which I guessed some of you might classify under the category: JI CHE :P
I'm making this video with the intend to entertain all of you who are watching. Although, it has been done by many people before, I am still proud to be doing it in the tune of Rasa Sayang, a local song which can represent Singapore. Hope that you like it :)
By right I should be posting those pictures which were taken in Korea, but I shall do it for my next post.
For now, I will present my latest video... which I guessed some of you might classify under the category: JI CHE :P
I'm making this video with the intend to entertain all of you who are watching. Although, it has been done by many people before, I am still proud to be doing it in the tune of Rasa Sayang, a local song which can represent Singapore. Hope that you like it :)