
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Finally..

Inspiration keeps coming that I unknowingly wrote 4 songs this week.. I like what I'm doing and I'll try to make the best out of it!! Wanna thank the people who gave me comments and lyricists who had to tolerate my randomness and weird ideas!!

(You know who you all are..)

Happy Halloween (*w*)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


“你让天空 失去距离

我让我 离开了迟疑

往上攀登爱情 告别回忆


Friday, October 22, 2010

10年10月10日~人生与梦想 (Backdated post)


好久没有弹吉他了, 最近编曲都用midi-controller.. "酱"比较方便.. 但是我却在 CW, Music Fest 的时候钩起对弹吉他的想念。世上到底有多少人对音乐是有巨大的热诚? 应该有很多很多, 而我也在围绕着我的周围看到许多感人的例子。

最近、我又开始弹吉他了。那种感觉还是非常的美妙,只是指感生疏了,哈哈!! 我不经意回想起我的第一首歌是用吉他创作的,而且还是在床上、对着窗外~ 多有画面啊!! 那是好几年前的事了。当时的一时好玩,如今已经变成认真对待+不断求进+牺牲睡眠。原来在老早前音乐就已是我生命中不可缺少的东西!!

这几年算是有实现到我的梦想; 就是可以全职做跟音乐有关的工作。我当初辞掉我的正业从兼职歌唱老师做起,刚开始的时候因为要同时打两份工而碰到很多难题。在一个偶然的机会中我终于可以转为全职,心里是非常安慰和充满感激的。人只要努力奋斗,坚持、勇敢追求自己的梦想就会有开花的一天。自从全职加入公司后,我似乎更有时间和集中力去做跟音乐有关的事情。我几乎每天都是中午与晚上上班、半夜就写歌做编曲、虽然累、但日子过得非常充实。而半夜的部分我都当成是一种磨练。久而久之当作品渐渐越来越多时,我却有把梦想变大的想法,并希望可以把自己的努力与经历分享给大家。当初那个纯朴的梦想如今想要变的更伟大,更有使命感!!

既然我一直都在写歌、这些作品都未曾被发表过.. 可否把部分的歌曲上载到网上,让它们有机会被更多人听到。就当是一个平台来慰劳我当中的努力。或许应该说满足我的"自恋"、哈哈.. 其实在我决定要更有自信面对我的歌曲之前,我有想过是不是要默默的写歌就好,毕竟当歌曲发表的时候,一定会有负面的批评.. 但是我告诉自己,如果是因为害怕批评.. 那不是否定了给自己进步的空间吗?

就从"酱"的一个角度出发,我决定要更积极和认真去做这件事。以什么方式分享,暂时还不确定 (可能需要细心计划)。但我一定会拿出我的诚意,并让自己活的精彩!! 当然现阶段欢迎任何建议!! :)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I want my 太阳!!

I may have posted this video before.. but who cares.. I'm enjoying every bit of it and declaring it as my fav song for the month :D


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I like the first song, didn't know its by 林夕 and the second song haunted me yesterday.. have been trying to find out what's the title as my SoundHound could not find it..


Three or Four?!?!

The relationship of a salesman, product and consumer.. Just when the salesman and the consumer are having role play, trying to be each other.. The consumer might be thinking who actually is the rightful owner..

Perhaps at the end of the day this product is not required anymore..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

陳綺貞 - 孩子

She's so cute in the mv

今早起床想找一首形容自己心情的歌。不知道这首算不算.. 我比较确定的是它有舒缓我..



说话是种很考学问的艺术。说者无意、听者有意.. 在种种有意无意之中或许会不小心得罪或伤害到人。原本可以用鼓励的方式得到皆大欢喜的结局,却演变成一场自信心受损悄然离开的局面。

谁对谁错似乎没有澄清的必要.. 因为所有的评论、行为与决定的认同与否都是"角度问题"。多加解释只会越描越黑,所以那些身不由己的遗憾就让它顺其自然吧!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Keeps ringing in my mind.. randomly

Stevie Wonder, so inspiring..


Still many thoughts in my mind..

This week is hectic with work.. does it always happen when my bosses are around or it simply means that I'm a slacker when they are not around?!?! I can feel the fatigue at the end of everyday, however, that does get me on my bed early no matter how tired I am.. something is wrong somehow for someone to sleep at almost 4am every "morning" and wake up around 9:30am, and then has the mentality that having 5 hours sleep daily is good enough for an old body..

It's another night with lots of things to complete but often end up unproductive due to me digressing.. what's with the distraction?!?! Do I really understand myself.. still not feeling calm..

I am only grateful to have real friends around to keep me going, their presence is already a kind of morale boosters. I am looking forward to have a more productive weekend, getting the necessary things done..


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Just reached home after supper at Boon Keng... My first and only India friend is saying goodbye and most probably we will not get to see him forever.. Heh..

Anyway I bathed straight-away when I reached home so that I can quickly do my work thru the night.. There are so many things to complete and i think i need a checklist to prioritize them. It feels like, this week really passes very fast!! There are many thoughts running through my mind and I really need time to sort things out, or perhaps I need some peace to calm myself down. Some of the things I'm not even sure myself and it seems complicated at time. Could it be another 11420 (just a random number) of 烦恼?

I don't know!!

If only I can take a carefree ride to somewhere faraway..

Monday, October 11, 2010

Post comment from a good frenz *LIKES*

deesolving: 瘋狂音樂祭雖然結束了,可是追尋夢想的人還在。期待的是更瘋狂的夢,更瘋狂的自己。繼續前進繼續努力!人生就是要不停的戰鬥!ROCK!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dreaming With A Broken Heart

Dreaming With A Broken Heart..
