
Friday, March 26, 2010

江苏卫视, 名师高徒亚洲杯第五场 (名师超偶队VS新韩联队)

This is the contest I took part last year together with JunYang, Jacky and MiaoRu. It was a great experience and we had fun during the rehearsals. Everyday is long and tiring. Luckily, we have Brother Leon and Sister Rain to help and support us fully. I will never forget the days when we had 王老吉 and 串烧 by the streets. At the end of the day, the memories and bonding gained is much more important than the results of the contest (i.e. 新韩联队 lost to 名师超偶队) :D

名师超偶队VS新韩联队 名师高徒亚洲杯第五场 开场


韩国新加坡队(Nobody,唱响世界) 名师高徒亚洲杯第五场第四轮

名师超偶队(win)VS新韩联队 名师高徒亚洲杯第五场第四轮讲评,END


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